
How to Evaluate Adrenal Fatigue on a Blood Chemistry

Adrenal fatigue is one of the biggest misconceptions in the functional medicine industry.

This course will enable you to help millions of people struggling with what is falsely referred to as "adrenal fatigue."

In just two hours, you’ll get fully updated on the science, the evidence, and the approach you need to fully master this trending topic.


A practitioner and client talking and smiling

As much potential as our industry has, it also has a big problem – storytelling.

While stories are great for spreading the word, they’re not so good for getting actual results with real people. 

The adrenal fatigue story is one of the most popular stories we like to tell. 
You've likely heard it and told it:

“The adrenals are two small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce cortisol. When we’re stressed for long periods of time, our adrenals get tired and stop producing cortisol. This leads to symptoms of fatigue, depression, food cravings, and brain fog”.

This story is simply not scientifically accurate. For example, did you know there’s more than one HPA axis? Or that cortisol is not just made in the adrenal glands? Or that fatigue doesn’t go along with low cortisol?

No matter what type of healthcare provider you are – health coach, fitness professional, nutritionist, or doctor – scientific evidence is the key to improved client outcomes.

To practice better functional medicine, we must rely on science first.

In just 2 hours, you'll learn:

  • How to discern between adrenal fatigue fact and fiction so you can cut the confusion and actually help your clients. 
  • What "adrenal fatigue" actually is, so you can correctly counsel your clients and quickly become the go-to expert. 
  • The evidence-based causes of low cortisol so you never miss them or recommend the wrong supplements again.
Female practitioner reviewing functional medicine work on laptop
  • A repeatable, evidence-based way to evaluate low cortisol on a standard blood chemistry (WITHOUT having to run a $180 adrenal panel on every patient).
  • Dr Walsh's step-by-step method to evaluating low cortisol so you can easily implement this evidence-based strategy in your practice.
  • Why saying "cortisol is a stress hormone that comes from the adrenal glands" is incorrect, and how to confidently speak on this widely misunderstood topic.

See what others are saying about this adrenal fatigue microcourse:

"Superb, as always. Painful to watch at times because it forced me to completely reassess how I diagnose and counsel my patients regarding adrenal dysfunction. But, that is a good kind of pain—the kind that makes me grow as a practitioner."
Dianne, Physician
"Awesome course - exceeded my expectations. I loved the clear and concise scientific information, and it made me re-think areas that I need to refine. Dr. Walsh made this easy to understand and apply. I'm excited to incorporate new ideas for my patients and up my game!"
Tanae, Chripractor
"I have spent 7 years at university and have studied under some incredibly knowledgeable lecturers but it is rare to find someone who can teach the way you do, you just make things so understandable at such a high level, you are really one of a kind and a true teacher!"
Ashley, Osteopath and Naturopath

Get up to date with the latest in adrenal fatigue for better results with your clients today.

Male practitioner reviewing course benefits

Why invest in this course?

With all the information out there, it can be difficult to cut through the noise.

In this industry, navigating conflicting viewpoints can be daunting, with many unscientific and opinion-driven ideas cluttering the discourse. Doing your own research can be overwhelming, leading to frustration with no clear answers.

That's why our microcourse gets straight to the point, providing evidence-based strategies for improved client outcomes in just 2 hours.

This microcourse packages the science and evidence-based strategies for you to implement immediately, allowing you to do what you’re amazing at – helping people. 


Get instant access to the How to Evaluate Adrenal Fatigue on a Blood Chemistry microcourse for only $129. You'll learn how to discern between adrenal fact and fiction so you can cut the confusion and actually help your patients



What to expect from this microcourse


We’re Drs. Bryan and Julie Walsh and we’re fed up with bad education in the health industry.

Bad education handicapped the success of our practice for years. Even after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on our doctorate degrees, we got out of school and found ourselves wondering, “What do I do with this patient?”.

We attended seminar after seminar, learning information from "experts" that was “guaranteed to work” … only, it didn’t.

It wasn’t until we dove deep into the science that we found the answers we were looking for.

First, these answers dramatically improved the success of our practice. Now, they improve the success of thousands of other practitioners from around the world who have taken our functional medicine courses.
Course instructor Dr Bryan Walsh and Dr Julie Walsh

Frequently asked questions

How do I access the materials?

As soon as you enroll, you will receive an email that outlines how to log into the Metabolic Fitness platform and complete your microcourse.

What exactly do I get?

Our adrenal fatigue microcourse includes:
  • On-demand video content: 70 jam-packed minutes of evidence-based information on low cortisol and adrenal fatigue.
  • Hands-on exercises: Test your understanding and lock the information away in your memory.
  • Adrenal Fatigue Practitioner Badge: If you pass the final exam, you will receive a digital badge from Metabolic Fitness to prove that you are skilled in an evidence-based approach to low cortisol and adrenal fatigue.

For how long do I have access?

You will have access to this microcourse for six months upon purchase.

If I'm not a health practitioner; can I still enroll?

While our programs are designed for professionals to improve their clinical skillset, we understand that there are health enthusiasts looking to learn cutting-edge information. 

With that, we welcome non-professionals to learn with us. The material contained within is for educational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for individualized advice from your primary care provider. 

Who is this NOT for?

This is NOT for individuals who teach other health professionals, looking for information to create course materials, programs, or other means of redistributing what they've learned with us.

The information and intellectual property contained within this microcourse is protected by United States and international copyright laws.

Am I allowed to share this course or its content with others?

That would be awesome! While log-in sharing is strictly prohibited, please share our catalog with your friends and colleagues. 

I loved this course and want more. What other courses do you offer?

We're thrilled that you enjoyed the course! In addition to this, we provide a range of other courses and programs designed to foster your growth in functional medicine. Our microcourses offer concise and impactful learning on specific topics. If you're looking for a deeper dive, our courses provide a comprehensive grasp of broader subjects like blood chemistry interpretation, glucose regulation, and detoxification. And for the most extensive and immersive learning journey, consider our flagship program, Clinician's Code Foundation Professional Certificate. This all-encompassing experience includes course materials, a supportive community, practical clinical application, and direct mentorship. Click here to check out our catalog.

Can I get a refund if I don't like the course?

Due to the digital nature of this product, Metabolic Fitness does not offer refunds on this purchase.
Plus, we're so confident in this microcourse and the information that is presented, we can't imagine a circumstance where there would be a need for a refund.